"Psychosocial suffering" will allow abortion up to the ninth month in France
The second reading of the Bioethics Act began today in a special committee of the French Senate.
Portuguese episcopate suspends baptisms, weddings and confirmations
These new regulations are introduced almost ten months after the first forced quarantine was announced.
March for Life gathered around five thousand people in Paris
Over ten thousand people participated in the event online.
French freemasonry chose a new Grand Master
The change of the Master does not mean any change regarding the French freemasons policy.
French teachers practice self-censorship to avoid incidents with Muslims
Last year, a school teacher named Samuel Paty was beheaded by a young radical Muslim.
Historic church to be destroyed and replaced by campus for students in France
The Church of St. Joseph is a symbol of Lille's religious heritage.
The business of aborted baby parts is thriving in Spain
In 2019, the number of children killed in abortion clinics was 97,398.
A church has been vandalised near Paris
It was a municipal agent who made the sad discovery in early December.
The Holy Week celebrations have already been canceled in Sevilla
Holy Week falls in 2021 from the 28th of March until the 3rd of April.
Polish man sentenced to euthanasia without the approval of his family in the UK
The court allowed the possibility of "the mother saying goodbye to her son".