A church has been vandalised near Paris
The on-site report is overwhelming: furniture overturned, a torn painting, a missing liturgical vessel. “In fact, they broke the wooden part of the tabernacle, they opened it and spread the hosts everywhere to obtain the ciborium,” says Michel Pierson, Deputy Mayor for Finance at La Rochette.
For him, this act is a real profanation “because the consecrated hosts represent the body of Christ.” “The stolen ciborium is in gilded metal. It has absolutely no value! They won’t find a customer to buy them “, affirms the elected official.
In addition, a large painting of three metres by two representing the Visitation of Mary to Elisabeth was torn.
The vandals also forced open the door of the sacristy that was devoid of money or valuables. They took down a large wooden cross and threw it to the ground. They also ransacked the two side altars’ ornamental tabernacles.
Source: christianophobie.fr
Image: leparisien.fr