Tag: Western Europe

French Christians protest against the ban on liturgy

In the coming days, such prayer protests will be held in many French cities. 

Greek Orthodox priest shot by suspected Islamic radical

Previously, in 2016, a Catholic priest, Father Jacques Hamel, was killed in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray by two Islamist radicals.

Three people killed by Islamic radical in France

The French city of Nice was already targeted by tragic attacks in July 2016 when eighty-six people were killed . 

Portuguese left-wing government wans to introduce euthanasia

In September, Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa expressed support for the initiative to legalise euthanasia.

Islamic commando set a church on fire in France

The city mayor noted that since the COVID-19 outbreak, Islamic violence has been on the rise in the region.

British churches may be closed for Chrismas due to probable new restrictions

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson emphasised that "a hard winter is ahead of us."

Ireland spent over three million dollars on chemical abortions in 2019 alone

The number of abortions in Ireland has increased by nearly 150% since its new legalisation on the 1st of January 2019.

The number of yearly abortions has never been so high in France

Data show that over one out of four conceived children in France are being denied the chance to be born every year.

Repeated acts of desecration in Sicily

The tragedy was verified by Michele Mancuso, a member of the right-wing Forza Italia in the Sicilian Regional Assembly.

The pandemic accelerated the decrease of Spanish Catholics

The amount of Spaniards defining themselves as Catholics is 59.2 per cent, which is a historically low rate.