News from Europe

French teachers practice self-censorship to avoid incidents with Muslims

According to a recent study, almost half of French teacher imposes self-censorship on themselves to avoid problems with Muslims. This number is growing significantly in schools located in the suburbs of the main cities where Muslim poulation is the highest. Many teachers complain about the fact that the state does not provide them with sufficient protection and does not defend them in the face of unfounded accusations.


In December, a survey carried out by the French Institute for Public Opinion Research (Ifop) on behalf of the Jean-Jaurès Foundation shows that radical Islam is taking over the French education system. There is indeed a growing number of teachers who avoid topics related in any way to faith and religion in school in order “not to provoke incidents in the classroom”.

One in five teachers admits that they have been confronted with claims by Muslims regarding meals in the canteen, rules of conduct during sports and other lessons.

“All teachers have to face this reality. It is time that the state authorities and those responsible for the education system finally realise that radical Islam is advancing across France,” emphasises Iannis Roder, director of the Education Observatory at the Jean-Jaurès Foundation.

“I have even been asked me not to read the fairy tale about the “Three Little Pigs” to children by some parents because pigs are considered unclean animals in Islam,” complains a French kindergarten teacher who participated in the survey. She added that in her institution, there is “no question of setting up a Christmas tree or a Christmas nativity scene, although most preschoolers are still Christians.”


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