News from Europe

French freemasonry chose a new Grand Master

Sixty-seven-year-old Georges Serignac was elected Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France (GODF), the main organisation of freemasonry in France. Serignac has established himself at many masonic conferences as a "defender of secularism".


He even criticised the idea of ​​creating a “French Islam” because it would “open the way to violating the 1905 Act on the separation of state and religion.”

In his opinion, “the will to fight against Muslim radicalisation and to improve the integration process” may turn out to be worse than the evil being combated. It is “opening Pandora’s box” for him.

Serignac took part in conferences of the pro-abortion organisation Planning Familial or “round tables” on euthanasia. He was also there during the fight for the so-called “Marriage for all” (ie “marriage” of homosexuals) and other “progressive” legislative inventions like the so-called PMA (medically assisted procreation), a soft way of naming the process of in-vitrofertilisation.



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