German church targeted with arson and vandalism
Despite the destruction, the police report noted that the damage was limited.
Islamic graffiti smeared inside a German chapel
The incident occurred in broad daylight.
A group of young terrorists targeting Christians was dismantled in Germany
Arrest warrants have been issued in connection with several allegations.
Liturgical objects stolen from a German church
The police were informed and the objects were eventually returned to the church.
A German church was temporarily closed due to vandalism.
The police are investigating.
Eighteen churches were pelted with eggs in Germany
The suspect cited personal circumstances as their motive and has since expressed remorse.
Yet another German church targeted by probable arsonists
Investigators point out that the church was probably set on fire voluntarily.
Yet another German church was the target of vandalism
Replacing the window and door will probably cost thousands of euros.
Church smeared with Islamic slogan in Germany
The graffiti has reportedly been removed.