News from Europe

A group of people praying was attacked in Germany

A prayer gathering conducted by "40 days for life" outside an abortion clinic was violently disrupted and the participants were threatened by a group of activists.


On March 1, “40 Days for Life” conducted a prayer gathering close to the abortion facility Pro Familia in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The group was located in an area assigned to them by the City of Frankfurt’s regulatory office, more than 30 meters from the facility’s entrance, to ensure that women entering the facility did not have to pass by the group.

Nevertheless, a group of around 20 activists started disrupting the group who was praying the rosary and threatened them. According to “40 days for life”, the disruptors approached the participants of the prayer gathering, “shouting in their faces, harassing, mocking, insulting, provoking, and intimidating them with aggressive behaviour.” They then started to build up a barricade with wooden pallets and trash bins between the praying group and the facility.

According to the organisation, the police arrived after 20 minutes but then refused to file a criminal complaint or record the personal details of the disruptors, who backed off after the police arrived.





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