Nicaraguan political prisoners released

The Nicaragun government released 135 political prisoners, giving in to the pressure from the USA.

Pope promotes interreligious dialogue in Indonesia

Pope Francis has started his apostolc journey to Indonesia, met and had discussion with Indonesian authorities.

Protestant church raided and four leaders detained

Chinese police raided the church's Sunday worship, detaining a pastor and three lay leaders.

The wave of terror continues against Christians in central Nigeria

In the latest attack against Christians six people were killed by armed Fulani herdsmen.

Catholic Church in India fights for the rights of farmers

A Catholic group pleaded for an investigation in the case of fraud against cardamom farmers that affected more than 1500 of them.

Nuns help the vulnerable women of Madagascar

The Catolic nuns help mainly, vulnerable women and signle mothers through their education program.

Kidnapped university students have been released

All of the students who were kidnapped have been freed and returned to safety.

Indonesian Catholic Church praised by government official

“The Church plays an extremely significant role in the development of the nation.”

Pope is worried for religious freedom in Ukraine

"Let no Christian Church be abolished directly or indirectly."

Christian man slain by swords

Muslim extremists killed the man while he was on his way home from a meeting with Christian converts.