French bishops against abortion in the constitution

The new amendment to the French constitution makes abortion a constitutional right. The French bishops firmly oppose the amendment.
After the National Assembly and the Senate approved the new amendment, France became the first country to make abortion a constitutional right. French bishops firmly maintain their stance that abortion “remains an attack on human life” and cannot be exclusively seen as women’s rights.
Only 50 senators voted against the constitutional change. The Bishops’ Conference of France (BCF) expressed their disappointment in the outcome.
The BCF released a statement in which they acknowledged the circumstances that could lead women to abortion but also raised their voice for “support measures for those who would like to keep their child,” which had not been discussed during the debate. The statement also says the French Constitution should put “protection of women and children at its centre.”
The bishops also expressed their support and closeness with parents who want to keep their child despite difficulties and asked for respect “for the freedom of conscience of doctors and all healthcare personnel.”
Since the beginning of the debate, the French bishops have made their stance clear and cited Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium.
“the defence of the life of unborn children is intimately linked to the defence of all human rights.”
Numerous French bishops publicly expressed their opinions on the matter. Archbishop Olivier de Germay of Lyon said that “expressing opinions on this subject without incurring the risk of being targeted by the media” is extremely difficult. He denounced the phenomenon, which he called “a denial of democracy.”
Archbishop Pascal Wintzer of Poitiers stated that,
“death seems more protected than life is encouraged.”
Source: Vatican News
Photo: Wikimedia