Italian episcopate will ask the authorities to allow public worship
The Italian Episcopal Conference would like to resume public liturgy, observing the necessary security principles, according to the Catholic daily L’Avvenire.
Italian bishops are conducting talks on this subject with the Ministry of the Interior and are to present their proposals to the authorities by the end of this week.
There is no doubt that after the 3rd of May – the day until which current restrictions apply in Italy – it will still be necessary to maintain basic safety rules, including the distancing of the faithful between each other. It is also necessary to guarantee appropriate sanitary conditions in ancillary rooms and to use safety devices (masks, gloves, etc.).
Volunteers are to limit the number of people entering churches. Bishops are well aware that the pandemic will not simply disappear in the following weeks.
“We cannot allow a whole generation and their family members to be deprived of sacramental consolation and love, to disappear from life and suddenly become invisible. It must be possible to celebrate funerals, perhaps only with the closest relatives,” said the Deputy Secretary-General of the Italian episcopate Fr. Ivan Maffeis.