Pro-lifers across America hold National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children

Saturday, September 14 saw pro-lifers across the United States gather to pray around graves for aborted children to emphasize that abortion is not an abstract issue, but a concrete human tragedy. “Too often, abortion is just seen as a political issue or a matter of personal choice, but abortion has real victims” Organizer Pro-Life Action League Director underlines.
Cosponsored by Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, Priests for Life, and Pro-Life Action League, the seventh annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children consists of 195 memorial services across the country, 52 of which took place at gravesites specifically recognizing children who died in the womb.
“Visiting the graves of aborted children really puts these legislative battles into perspective,” the Pro-Life Action League’s Eric Scheidler said in a press release. “All the protests on one side and celebrations on the other, all the threatened boycotts and political posturing — none of it seems to matter when you realize that actual victims of abortion are buried right beneath your feet.” As he continued:
“These tiny children were never born. Never learned to walk. Never had a first day of school. They were never even given names. Too often, abortion is just seen as a political issue or a matter of personal choice, but abortion has real victims”
While most of abortion’s victims are disposed of as medical waste, the pro-life event’s website explains that “tens of thousands” of bodies of aborted babies have been retrieved and given proper burials, and the stories of their recoveries “are powerful tools to awaken the consciences of our fellow citizens.”
“But while a funeral and burial for an aborted baby may be a relatively rare event, the opportunity to visit the burial places and recall how those children got there does not have to be rare — in fact, it shouldn’t be,” they add. “Pro-lifers should be visiting these gravesites — and other memorial sites dedicated to aborted babies — as a regular part of their pro-life witness. That’s what the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children is all about.”
The organizers express confidence that these experiences not only help those confused about abortion overcome lies and apathy, but help those who are already pro-life find a “higher level of commitment and activism.”
Full information about the recent event, including a complete list of locations as well as prayers for both aborted children and their mothers, can be found at
I am so delighted to see the memorial stone for the murdered babies so they are recognised and not forgotten.I am going to share this on facebook and will be pleased to follow your articles and witness for Jesus Christ. Thank you and God bless you all xxxx
Thank you, Helen!