Tag: Germany

Card. G. Müller defends his signing of an "Appeal to the Church and the world"

Cardinal Gerhard Müller stated that instead of throwing epithets, critics "should rather undertake substantive debate."

Germany allows churches to reopen but without singing and handshakes

The German Catholic Church announced that a ban on in-person worship services would be lifted, with social distancing maintained.

German Bishops admit that their predecessors failed to oppose National Socialism

"Both in September 1939 and later, there was no open protest of German Bishops against the National Socialists," says the text.

Catholics honor the priests killed at Dachau

The Nazis established Dachau, near Munich in southern Germany, as their first concentration camp in 1933.

Japanese Catholics gratefully commemorated St. Maximilian Kolbe

In 1982, Pope John Paul II canonised Father Kolbe and declared him a martyr of charity.

Germany: Nigerian priest forced to leave his parish because of death threats

The Vicar General of the diocese explained that "it would be irresponsible to expose Fr. Patrick Asomugha to further danger."

Christian institutions produce surgical masks in Germany

The Augustunium Foundation takes care of more than 10,000 people considered high risk of COVID-19.

Relics of St. Corona will be displayed in German cathedral, after pandemic.

The Catholic cathedral in the city of Aachen, was already planning to display the reliquary of St. Corona before the pandemic

Germany: an evangelical church vandalised in Berlin

Police officers arrested an aggressive man who seemed particularly hostile on Tuesday afternoon.

Germany: a historic chapel vandalised in Wachtberg-Werthoven

Some hateful slogans targeting the police and the right-wing AfD party have been scrawled on the walls.