World News

The leaders of Lesbos feel left alone by Europe and helped by Hungary

Tristan Azbej, State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians and for the Hungary Helps Program, inaugurated a chapel in Lesbos, which was renovated through financial aid from the Hungarian government.


In a telephone interview with MTI Hungarian media agency, Azbej said that the Hungarian government was informed last year by the Greek minority municipality in Hungary that illegal migrants desecrated and set on fire many churches on the Island of Lesbos. As a result, three of these churches have been seriously damaged.

The Hungary Helps Program provided direct support of ten million forints along with assistance to the Greek Orthodox Church for the renovation of the St. Catherine’s Chapel. In addition, local faithful have also donated towards the renovation of the church.

The renovated Saint Catherine’s Chapel was inaugurated on Thursday with the participation of Tristan Azbej State Secretary, representatives of the Greek minority self-government in Hungary, Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Iakovos, the mayor of Moria and local officials.

In the interview, the State Secretary recalled that regional leaders talked to him about the damages that local inhabitants suffered over the last five to six years due to illegal migration during their official meeting. He heard about a local woman who was attacked with a knife in her own house, but this was only one of the many examples.

Most of the island inhabitants used to live from tourism and the production of olive oil, but the presence of the illegal migrants frightened away the tourists and the olive trees have been cut and burn by the immigrants as firewood. The local immigrant communities have also started a violent Islamist expansion. According to the local inhabitants, they have already introduced Sharia law and damaged the local churches and chapels. They also told Tristan Azbej that the local Greek leaders feel that they have been left alone and Europe is ignoring their interests. The European Union has not helped them stop illegal migration, and they expressed their solidarity only towards the immigrants and not towards the local inhabitants.

State Secretary Tristan Azbej highlighted that the local people were grateful for the help provided by the Hungarian government to renovate their sacred places. The local leaders also added that it was also good that someone directly provided help to them.

Azbej also said that while the local communities are grateful for the Hungarian support, the greatest leftist party, Syriza, recite the same message and ideology that the European and Hungarian leftists:

They issued a public statement, attacking the religious leaders, including Metropolitan Iakovos, who hosted the Hungarian delegation.

At the end of their visit, the Hungarian delegation visited the place of the migrant camp of Moria, which was set on fire by the illegal immigrants, and the present legal and illegal refugee camps.

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