Tag: Illegal Migration

More than one million people applied for refugee in the European Union

Many illegal immigrants are needed annually, so the EU is "keeping pace with the Soros plan."

The leaders of Lesbos feel left alone by Europe and helped by Hungary

Tristan Azbej inaugurated a chapel in Lesbos, which was renovated through financial aid from the Hungarian government.

Trashed church in Lesvos turned into giant toilet by illegal immigrants

The Saint Catherine Church in the small town of Moria on Lesvos, is now being used as a latrine.

Hungary and Italy have proved illegal mass migration can be stopped

Mediterranean migrant sea landings showed a massive 80 per cent drop in illegal mass migration.

Muslim asylum seeker imprisoned for killing wife who converted to Christianity

A U.K. court sentenced a Muslim Iranian asylum seeker to jail

Supporting migration could mean supporting return of terrorists

Global Compact for Migration in any form is unacceptable, since the Compact relativizes the illegal crossing of borders.