World News

Over a quarter of US college and high school students “never” attend church

A new poll suggests that nearly thirty per cent of high school and college students in the US “never” attended religious services even before the coronavirus pandemic caused many churches to cease in-person services.


Young America’s Foundation, a conservative youth advocacy organisation, released a poll Wednesday asking young Americans for their views on various issues, including taxes, the economy, student debt, the coronavirus, education and the country’s most prominent political figures.

Among high school students, 15% said that they attend religious services a few times a year, 10% reported that they attend religious services only on religious holidays and 9% preferred not to say. Fifteen percent of post-high school students claimed to attend religious services a few times a year, while 14% said they only attend on religious holidays and 9% preferred not to say.

Additionally, nearly half of respondents (48%) declined to identify with a particular religion. About 16% responded that they “prefer not to say” when asked to describe their religion, 15% listed their religion as “something else,” 10% identified as atheists and 7% described themselves as agnostic.

A plurality of young Americans surveyed identified as Catholic (23%), followed by 14% who described themselves as Evangelical Protestant/Born-Again Christians and 6% who said they belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Just 4% identified as Jewish. Small minorities of respondents described themselves as Mainline Protestants (3%) or Muslim (2%).


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