World News

Al Shabab is trying to expand and concentrate on mainly US targets, experts say

Al Shabab, a Somali-based Al Qaeda affiliate, is "gearing up" to conduct attacks specifically on American targets, military and intelligence experts say. Christians are among the targets of Al Shabab's retaliation.


Evidence suggests that certain efforts have been made on Al Shabab’s front in order to intensify and multiply the attacks on designated targets.

In the last few months, two Al Shabab members have been arrested. Both of them were taking flying lessons. One was caught in the Philippines; the other operative was discovered in an unspecified African country, according to the New York Times.

In January of this year, a US service member and two Defence Department contractors were killed in a terrorist attack for which the organisation claimed responsibility.

According to New York Times, the attack in Kenya came two months after the Al Shabab released a 52-minute video—which showed similarities with Osama bin Laden’s declaration of war against the United States in 1996. The footage was narrated by the group’s leader, Abu Ubaidah, in which he called for attacks against Americans wherever they are, saying the American public is a legitimate target.

Designation of targets also includes Christians, International Christian Concern noted. There have been at least six attacks already this year that have specifically targeted Christians in Kenya, killing at least 20 people.

Christians are among the targets of Al Shabab’s retaliation, given that Kenya, by participating in AMISOM (African Union Mission in Somalia), is supporting the Somali Federal Government.


Photo is courtesy of Flickr.

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