Tag: vandalised cemetery

27 acts of Christianophobia reported in France in September 2021 alone

Despite the evidence, French authorities continue to turn a blind eye on this worrying phenomenon

Several graves desecrated in Irish cemetery

Outrage has been expressed after three headstones were desecrated with garish, red graffiti.

Two individuals in prison for desecration of graves in Benin

The two individuals will be at the helm in late October to be determined on their fate.

Three tombs desecrated and looted in Mauritius

In June 2017, thugs had already unsealed and taken away the copper door of one of the historic vaults of the cemetery.

Two cemetaries vandalised in Quebec

The event is believed to have occurred over the past weekend.

Schoolchildren vandalise Christian graves in Indonesia

The students vandalised all the Christian crosses and symbols in the cemetery.

Graves of a Commonwealth military cemetery vandalised in Tunisia

The military cemetery in Thibar was a Christian cemetery from the year 256.

Armenian cemeteries destroyed in Iran

The Iranian government has not intervened or indicated that they seek to seek to preserve the Christian minority sites.

French cemetery vandalised five times in ten days

The local authorities decided to temporarily close the cemetery until further notice.