Tag: vandalised cemetery

Fifteen bronze statues stolen from French cemetery

All the statues weigh at least fifty kilos and some of them are almost one meter high.

A hundred graves vandalised in a Luxembourg cemetery

Officials from the town hall of Differdange lodged a complaint with the police, and appealed for witnesses.

Unknown perpetrators devastated dozens of children's graves in Poland

Devastation of cemeteries happens on a regular basis in Poland. In some cases, the perpetrators are looking for valuable items.

Yet another cemetery has been devastated in Poland

The police initiated actions aimed at apprehending the perpetrators of the devastation and theft.

A cemetary vandalised in Southern Poland

About ten people complained about the devastation of crosses and tombstones at the beginning of both January and February.

Cemetery desecrated in Fontainebleau, France

On the night of the 27th of the December, sixty-seven tombs were damaged in the municipal cemetery of Fontainebleau.