Tag: Migrants

The Holy Father sensed the love pouring towards from Hungary

Hungarian Cardinal Péter Erdő says: for believers, every papal visit somehow represents the presence of Christ.

Pastoral office stormed by right-wing extremists in Austria

The perpetrators apparently belong to the right-wing "Identitäre" (Identitarians) group.

A church occupied by migrants for almost two months in Belgium

The Belgian episcopate has just issued a press release calling for "dialogue and compassion."

A church was vandalised by migrants in Greece

The desecration and vandalism of Greek Orthodox churches deeply divides the people living on the island of Lesvos.

Christians robbed by migrants during a liturgical service in Serbia

According to the latest update of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, there are currently 8,052 migrants in Serbia.

Hungary to contribute to restore churches in Lesbos vandalised by migrants

The government is going to send thirty-thousand dollars through the Hungary Helps Programme.

Pope Francis asks for prayers for people displaced by war

He mentioned the plight of refugees in Turkey, where the situation is alarming.

Millions will be affected by food crises in 2019

Says report by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization and World Food Programme

Fortnight Madness

Depending on their absurdity, these stories may be ridiculous or sad at the same time