Tag: Italy

Italian university forbids the display of religious symbols during online exams

From that moment, there is only one step left to removing religious symbols from the public space.

Advocate for ACN: "We have a lot to learn this Lent from persecuted Christians"

“The example of those who would rather die than renounce their faith is unforgettable and very hard to comprehend,” Szymanski said

A martyred Catholic judge will be beatified in May

Rosario Livatino, a Sicilian judge and magistrate, was killed by the mafia in 1990.

Pope Francis criticises abortion in his new book and gets ignored by the media

Every time Pope Francis brings up the topic of abortion he is ignored by the mainstream media.

Martyred Italian nun to be beatified in 2021

Sr. Maria Laura Mainetti was killed by three Italian girls, as part of a Satanic ritual, twenty years ago,

Repeated acts of desecration in Sicily

The tragedy was verified by Michele Mancuso, a member of the right-wing Forza Italia in the Sicilian Regional Assembly.

Catholic priest was stabbed to death in Italy

The crime took place near the church of Saint Roch, where Fr. Malgesini was serving. An investigation is underway.

An Italian bishop's newspaper published a text defending "abortion compromise"

The fact that even bishops don't speak out firmly against abortion makes the battle for life even more difficult...

Christian persecution on the rise in Italy

Italian Catholics would like to establish a permanent "observatory for religious freedom" in their country.

Italy considers allowing abortion pill without hospitalization

“This is a real abortion. It is no less ‘abortion’ due to the fact that it does not occur with surgical instruments.”