Nepal: Christian pastor arrested for praying against the spread of COVID-19
The pastor could face up to six months in prison after being unjustly accused of giving false information about COVID-19.
Relics of St. Corona will be displayed in German cathedral, after pandemic.
The Catholic cathedral in the city of Aachen, was already planning to display the reliquary of St. Corona before the pandemic
Pakistan: Christian sanitation workers at risk amid COVID-19 lockdown
According to Pakistani Christian leaders, Christians make up between 80% to 90% of the country’s sanitation workforce.
First bishop known to die of coronavirus was missionary in Ethiopia
The Italian bishop of a missionary region of Ethiopia is the first Catholic bishop known to have died of the coronavirus pandemic.
Jerusalem: Restrictions on Holy Week and Easter due to coronavirus
The Holy Thursday Mass was transferred to the Pentecost because "it makes no sense without the participation of diocese priests".
Hope for peace in Yemen amid fragile UN-brokered truce appeal
Fear of a coronavirus epidemic in the country worries international observers.
Trump, Pence join 700 pastors in prayer call during coronavirus outbreak
"I want to thank you for praying for our country and for those who are sick,” the president said.
A "priests helpline" to support the faithful in times of pandemic
Priests from the Archdiocese of Poznań will operate a helpline every day from 10 a.m. to noon and from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Michigan: a priest celebrated Mass in a parking lot in front of the church.
The faithful participated in the Mass sitting in their closed cars.
Polish Catholics question government's new restrictions on church attendance.
The authors of the petition emphasise the inconsistency of the new security measures.