News from Europe

A “priests helpline” to support the faithful in times of pandemic

"Priest on call." It is under this slogan that a special helpline launched by the Polish Archdiocese of Poznań will operate as and from Saturday the 28th of March. The aim of this creative initiative is to cater for those who need spiritual support in Poland, during the coronavirus pandemic. The service will offer an opportunity for counselling, encouragement and dialogue.


As explained by Fr. Krystian Sammler, limited access to sacramental and pastoral life in parishes causes fear, sadness and doubt among many people. 

“Questions arise regarding the sacrament of penance, spiritual Holy Communion, experiencing the transmission of the Holy Mass online, home liturgy or preparing and reliving Easter. Some just need spiritual conversation and strengthening,” explains the coordinator of the “Priest on a signal” initiative.  

 “We hope that talking to a priest on the phone will provide help and be a spiritual resource for all who may benefit from this form of assistance – added Fr. Sammler.


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