Republican lawmakers decry FBI's "open war on pro-life activists"
Freedom of speech is put in jeopardy yet again
Freedom of expression for pro-lifers in the UK is put in question by a new bill
British NGO Justice warns that the bill would give English and Welsh authorities a "carte blanche" to repress protests.
Fourteen children rescued from abortion baptized in Spain
Spanish bishop: “Abortion will always be intrinsically evil”.
US congressional bill aims to protect pro-life pregnancy centers against ‘terror attacks’
Republican politician: “My goal is to foster an environment where no woman feels like their only option is abortion.”
A Scottish politician was disciplined by his party boss for pro-life stance
He was accused of causing women “great distress” for his remarks on abortion and buffer zones outside clinics.
Prayer campaign for the unborn in Spain
“The more they persecute us, the more we will embrace the Cross!”
Scotland is about to ban pro-life gatherings near abortion clinics
The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children is urging the government to not impose this ban
Mike Pence calls nationwide ban on abortion "a US policy priority"
The former vice-President has always been vocal of the issue of protection of the unborn.
In Hungary mothers have to listen to the heartbeat of their children before abortion
This latest decree aims to protect the rights of the unborn.
Tennessee is now abortion-free
The state's last three abortion facilities have closed their doors.