World News

Protest against new Christian school in Indonesia

Radical Muslim group protest against a Christian school in Indonesia. The group claims that the school does not have a legal basis. A local politican supports the protesters, but a Muslim influencer is taking the side of the school.

In Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi province, Indonesia, a radical Muslim group, Forum of the Muslim Society of Parepare (FM2P), went to the streets to oppose the establishment of a new Christian-run school. FM2P claimed that the school’s founder, Gamaliel School’s Foundation, does not have the legal basis to open a new school. The protesters aim to revoke the school’s permit issued by local authorities.

FM2P cites a 2021 regulation that forbids the opening of a Christian educational institution if the local community opposes it. The protesters also question the validity of establishing a new school because many already existing local schools have below-average student numbers. The school has all the documents and meets all the requirements needed. Furthermore, the school’s lawyer stressed that the institution is open to every Indonesian student regardless of religious background.

The public opinion is divided on the question of the school’s establishment. A local politician took the side of the protesters, arguing that the school is in a Muslim-majority area. On the other hand, a Muslim influencer supports the new school.

President Jokowi, please show your power to protect our Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, the spirit of the nation in ensuring unity in diversity, which you publicly upheld in front of the pontiff. If she does not have the courage to do so, it will mean that they were just empty words.”

This is how influencer Permadi Arya appealed to president Joko Widodo on social media, recalling Pope Francis’s most recent visit to Indonesia.

Source: Asia News

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