Evangelical Church Pastor shot dead in Laos

Forty-year-old Pastor Thongkham Philavanh was a tribal Khmu leader and the head of Lao Evangelical Church. Two unidentified men attacked the Pastor in his home and fatally wounded him with seven shots.
The two assailants wore masks and used silencers on their guns. They escaped on motorcycles after murdering Pastor Thongkham. He was taken to a hospital in Laos, but sadly, his gunshot wounds proved to be too severe, and he passed away. His wife and two teenage children are mourning the loss of their loved one.
Pastor Thongkham dedicated his life to sharing the gospel and providing training for pastors. A week before he was murdered, leaders of the Lao Evangelical Church had a meeting to discuss the expansion of the church building. Local Christians confirmed that Pastor Thongkham had been under surveillance, and authorities had warned him many times to stop “Christian activities”. His peers expressed their grief and sadness following the tragedy: “His profound wisdom, unwavering faith and boundless compassion touched the lives of many”.
Even though religious freedom is guaranteed by law in Laos, anti-Christian persecution has been increasing. Many are detained and held in prison without proper trial. Protestant Christians’ properties are often damaged or destroyed, forcing them to leave their villages. Perpetrators are seldom prosecuted. Newly converted Christians face regular harassment. They are usually required to sign a document forbidding them to practice their faith. In some areas, villagers do not permit Christian burials. According to a local Christian: “This kind of thing is not problematic for Christians only; even in some tribes, it is still hard for them if their relatives have died outside the village, and they have to bury their relative’s body somewhere that is not in the village. And again, Christians are treated differently and harassed even after they have died and have no say in where their bodies are buried. Let’s pray for new believers to have more strength in Christ.”
Source: https://morningstarnews.org/