A church was burned down by unknown arsonists in Indonesia
A church in East Batang Uru Village, Sumarorong District, Mamasa, in West Sulawesi province of Indonesia was burned by an unknown person in the early hours of the 27th of June.
After vandalising the property, the vandal set fire to Toraja Mamasa Church. According to police, the entirety of the choir room, including many musical instruments and documents belonging to the church, were burned. The incident occurred in the middle of the night while the church was empty, so there were no casualties.
The Mamasa Police launched a temporary investigation alongside the Sumarorong Police Criminal and Investigation Unit. They concluded that the perpetrator acted at night so that no one would detect the blaze. The damage was only discovered when people arrived at the church on Sunday morning to worship.
The police have identified a suspect who is believed to have mental disabilities. Indonesian officials have requested that the residents of the village not be provoked by the incident.
Source: persecution.org