News from Europe

How can abortion go from being a crime against humanity to a fundamental human right?

Polish Catholic priest and professor Paweł Bortkiewicz granted an interview to the Polskie Radio 24 station this week in which he shared his thoughts on the sensitive issue of abortion.


“Abortion used to be considered as a crime against humanity. Today, abortion is referred to as a human right,” Fr. Borkiewicz explained.

The host of the programme, Robert Tekieli, explained that the so-called reproductive rights did not exist in 1948, when the canon of human rights was established.

The journalist further asked the priest if dialogue with the left is possible, since they use completely new concepts nowadays.

 “I am very skeptical about such a dialogue. In order to be able to use dialogue, it is necessary to have at least a few concepts, a few words of common understanding, to share some common cultural code. Such a concept is certainly the dignity and right to live of of the human person,” emphasised Fr. Bortkiewicz.

According to the priest, the problem is that we have to face a “dictate of legal positivism” on such a topic.


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