Belgian Christians still deprived of Sunday Mass but… can go to the zoo!

The Belgian Council of State decided to maintain the ban on assembly in places of worship in the country. Ignoring the major international treaties and charters enshrining human rights and freedoms, the supreme administrative court embarked on the path of limiting freedom of religion.
The year 2020 will be the one in which a member state of the European Union – universal ambassador of the ideas of democracy and fundamental freedom – denies the right of an entire nation to religious worship while at the same time, allowing citizens to celebrate by going to watch pandas in zoos.
Does this mean that the practice of religious worship in Belgium to date represents a danger such that it must be almost the only and last practice to remain prohibited at national level? Would religions, the existence of which the Belgian Constitution legally consecrates and protects, while ensuring a neutrality very specific to its political tradition, represent an imminent threat to the health order now established?
And yet Belgium’s neighbours do not seem to believe that participating at Mass could constitute a risk for the nation, any more than shopping, learning or going to work. The list of countries that have reopened their places of worship is growing longer and longer: Poland, Germany, Italy, Croatia, Denmark, France, Spain, etc.