Switzerland: Holy Week and Easter without Mass in Geneva

According to the decree of Bishop Charles Morerod, the celebration of Holy Mass in the churches of the entire canton of Geneva have been suspended until the 15th of May. Churches however will remain open.
All celebrations of the Holy Mass were cancelled throughout the canton, as well as meetings in which over one hundred people were to participate. Catechetical classes will be able to take place provided there is a two-metre distance between each participant.
Funerals will take place only with the participation of the closest family. This decision is a church response to the new regulations presented by the canton authorities. The relevant decree has already reached the clergy. Bishop Charles Morerod encouraged the faithful to practice spiritual communion, emphasising that every Sunday the diocese will provide online transmission of the Holy Mass.
“The decision to suspend all Mass celebrations was difficult, but priority has been given to the health and protection of the most vulnerable people against the Covid-19 virus,” explains the episcopal vicar, Fr. Pascal Desthieux. “We are not abandoning the faithful, we are also exploring various possibilities to support people in this difficult period. We plan to broadcast Masses on our website,” the clergyman added.
Source: pch24.pl