Statues of the Holy Mary destoyed in Southern Poland
In the region of Lower Silesia (Souther Poland), statues of the Holy Mary and other religious figures have been subjected to attacks in several towns.
The incident occurred in several small towns in Lower Silesia, in the diocese of Legnica. Unknown perpetrators devastated the statues of the Holy Mary, as well as the figures of angels standing around the cross. Unfortunately, the vandals also decided to destroy the cross itself, and on it hanging a strip of crucified Jesus. The destruction is so serious that it is practically impossible to renew the figures and the cross.
“As a parish a few years ago we renewed this cross, and on the 700th anniversary of our town, parishioners founded a passion. Well, it hung for two years and was just destroyed” says Andrzej Spelak, pastor of the local parish Of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Wojanów.
The case upset and the local community. Relevant notifications have been made to the police who initiated proceedings to identify the perpetrators of the desecration.