Consecrated hosts were stolen from a Polish church
Two ciboria went missing from the tabernacle.
A priest was locked out and his church vandalised in a Polish town
The losses made by the perpetrators were estimated at several thousand zlotys.
Two men urinated and defacated inside a German church
They also tried to break the offertory box.
A vandal drowned a statue of Jesus in the baptismal font of a Polish church
The police are looking for the perpetrator and appeal for help in finding him.
A Mexican church was desecrated by vandals
The Diocese of Saltillo is currently governed pastorally by Bishop Hilario González García.
Notre Dame Cathedral to be transformed into an "LGBT research center"?
Trans-activists want to rename the Cathedral "Our Lady of the Survivors of Child Crime."
Italian cemetery reconsacrated after "red light meetings"
The sanctity of the place has been violated.
Yet another cemetery has been devastated in Poland
The police initiated actions aimed at apprehending the perpetrators of the devastation and theft.
Polish satanist will be brought to trial for profaning a Marian image
The Catholic Youth Association protested strongly against Nergal's provocations.
Christian cemetery profaned with Arabic inscriptions in France
On the night of the 17th of October, a thirty-seven-year-old man desecrated the Saint-Clément cemetery.