Four thousand people gathered to pray at The Hermitage of the Virgin of the Sea in Spain following an attack by vandals

A Catholic church called the Hermitage of the Virgin of the Sea, on the coast of Torregarcia in Almeria, suffered an arson attack the night before the celebration of a major feast day.
On the 13th of January, faithful were set to prayerfully recall the miraculous appearance of Mary, the Patroness of Almeria, at this same spot where the hermitage is located. On the eve of the event, vandals struck, burning and damaging the front door of the Hermitage. Despite this act of aggression, more than four thousand people turned up for the Celebratory Mass.
The ceremony was presided over by His Excellency Adolfo González Montes, Bishop of Almeria who underscored that the tragic attack did not deter the faithful who wished to celebrate their patroness. He went on to say that their presence showed that the love of God is stronger than the desire to commit evil.
The bishop classified the attack as “vandalism” stating that the perpetrators were attacking religious liberty, a fundamental right of every person in Spain.
He stressed that people with religious beliefs have to fight for their rights and defend their community and traditions.
Source: ACIdigital