Vatican urges to protect places of worship through inter-religious fraternity
"Ramadan and 'Jd al-Fitr thus are special occasions to foster fraternity between Christians and Muslims."
Sri Lankan Muslims remember the victims of the Easter Sunday attacks
To remember all of them, even to console wounded hearts, they raised money for those in need.
India is the focus of US religious freedom commission's annual report
The climate of fear has increased among non-Hindu communities.
Patriarch Sako: Pandemic strengthens Islamic-Christian solidarity
Christians distribute aid to Muslims in solidarity and without religious distinctions.
Egyptian priest: pandemic "is bringing Christians and Muslims closer”
The pandemic is making people rediscover the value of closeness and solidarity.
Indiscriminate attacks on villages: religious conflict fomented in Mozambique
"According to international media, the attacks are carried out by Islamists linked to ISIS".
Iran: the persecution of Muslims converted to Christianity continues.
Ebrahim Firouzi, who converted from Islam to Christianity, has been convicted of "propaganda against the Islamic Republic."
Indonesia: local Muslims demand Ampana church to be demolished
Local government tries to mediate in the dispute by asking residents to promote unity between citizens and religious communities.
Iran: the life of four imprisoned Christians is at high risk
Iranian prisons are so overcrowded that the regime has already released tens of thousands prisoners.
Islamist who criticized Asia Bibi reports "blasphemers" to Morrocan authorities
Sihamedi is a salafist who has recently become famous for criticizing Macron's meeting with Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi.