World News

Iran: the persecution of Muslims converted to Christianity continues

Ebrahim Firouzi, an Iranian Muslim who converted to Christianity received a five-year prison sentence last November for "activities harmful to national security."


On the 12th of March a court condemned him to eight additional months of confinement plus an additional three months for not having presented himself to the police of Sarbaz to sign his attendance record. 

“The court pronounced a verdict that cannot be appealed, without giving me the opportunity to explain myself or to defend myself. It used charges which have nothing to do with this case or have not been criminally proven. This is why I am bringing this matter to the attention of the media to demand an explanation and make my voice heard, as this is an example of a miscarriage of justice in the Iranian legal system,” Ebrahim Firouzi explained in a statement addressed to Forum 18.

The notification of this judgment indicated that the reasons for his condemnation were  “cyber spying” and “propaganda against Islam,” an accusation which was not upheld in his previous conviction.


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