Islamist who criticized Asia Bibi reports “blasphemers” to Morrocan authorities

In a special letter addressed to Morocco's ambassador Chakiba Benmoussa, Islamist president of the BarakaCity association, Idriss Sihamedi warned of a "blasphemer" of French nationality who is about to reside in Morocco.
Sihamedi presents a report which he believes should be of interest to Morocco’s security services. The Islamist residing in France gives the name, date of birth and place of residence together with a picture of the person being denounced. He just did not reveal these data in the text he posted on Twitter.
According to Sihamedi, the accused Frenchman committed “serious insults, which caused confusion in the Muslim community of France and may turn into violent acts.”
The head of the Salafist association BakaraCity has repeatedly shocked French public opinion with his controversial statements. For example, he thought that “music can be dangerous”, that polygamy is an “alternative to adultery” and that the veil of the face is “a sign of modesty of a woman.” He also refused to condemn ISIS.
In 2014, two Frenc banks (Societe Generale and CIC) decided to close BakaraCity’s bank accounts. In 2015, the headquarters of the association was investigated by the Police. In an official document from the French authorities BarakaCity’s members were portrayed as “fundamentalist Muslims” who “regularly” leave for Syria as part of humanitarian activities and could store “weapons and drugs” in their offices.