French bishops against abortion in the constitution
The Bishops’ Conference of France strongly opposes the new amendment to the constitution that enshrines abortion in it.
A Marian statue was destroyed in a French church
Church vandalism remains too often unpunished across France.
A man set a church on fire in France
Parishioners quickly brought the fire under control.
France: Anti-Semitic acts have risen above 1,500 since attack by Hamas
In France, 1518 anti-Semitic incidents have been recorded since the October 7 terrorist attack in Israel by Hamas.
French police link a school stabbing that killed a teacher to Islamic extremism
A teacher was stabbed to death and three other people were severely wounded in Arras on Friday
Two churches were desecrated in France in the last weeks
Two complaints have been filed.
An anti-discrimanation report by the UN could jeopardize religious freedom
The National Council of Evangelicals of France (CNEF) expressed worry about the implications of this report in a statement.
A priest was attacked by a group of youngsters in France
Ther assailants fled hurling anti-Christian insults
A church was desecrated in Southern France
As a consequence of this act, the church has been closed for an indefinite time.
A church was severely vandalised in France
Such acts of vandalism are becoming increasingly commonplace in France.