Tag: France

French bishops against abortion in the constitution

The Bishops’ Conference of France strongly opposes the new amendment to the constitution that enshrines abortion in it.

A Marian statue was destroyed in a French church

Church vandalism remains too often unpunished across France.

A man set a church on fire in France

Parishioners quickly brought the fire under control.

France: Anti-Semitic acts have risen above 1,500 since attack by Hamas

In France, 1518 anti-Semitic incidents have been recorded since the October 7 terrorist attack in Israel by Hamas.

French police link a school stabbing that killed a teacher to Islamic extremism

A teacher was stabbed to death and three other people were severely wounded in Arras on Friday

An anti-discrimanation report by the UN could jeopardize religious freedom

The National Council of Evangelicals of France (CNEF) expressed worry about the implications of this report in a statement.

A priest was attacked by a group of youngsters in France

Ther assailants fled hurling anti-Christian insults

A church was desecrated in Southern France

As a consequence of this act, the church has been closed for an indefinite time.

A church was severely vandalised in France

Such acts of vandalism are becoming increasingly commonplace in France.