World News

A pastor was killed for his faith by a group of Muslims in Kenya

Muslim relatives of a pastor in eastern Uganda took him from his home and killed him for his faith this month.


In 2016, Pastor Bulwa had moved his family to Lira, in the Northern Region of Uganda, where he ran a successful business, principally maize production. On Jan. 24, 2019, the family secretly converted from Islam to Christianity, and he was appointed pastor to other former Muslims at his church.

The converts from Islam under his pastoral guidance gathered secretly, but last December Muslims saw Pastor Bulwa and his family outside the church site in Lira, and word spread that he had become a Christian.

“Since December 2022, the Muslims started threatening to kill us if we continued missing attending the mosque,” Newumbwe said. “As the threats continued escalating, my husband decided that we leave Lira back to our home in Muterere village.”

The family fled Lira in January and began an evening fellowship at their home in Muterere. Since Pastor Bulwa’s death, she and her children have left their home and taken refuge at the house of someone assisting them.


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