Christians continue to suffer persecution in Indonesia

Since the forced closure of 20 Christian churches in 2012 and the wave of demolitions of Christian churches in 2015, life and religious freedom for Christians in Aceh, Indonesia, remain difficult.
In 2015, after the burning of a Christian church on October 13 by an intolerant mob in Gunung Meriah and the attack on another church in Pak-Pak Dairi, nine Christian churches were destroyed by the local government, under the crowd pressure.
“According to records of the Aceh Singkil (Forcidas) Peace Forum, there are currently 20 churches whose [building] permits have been denied by the local government, with no solution in sight. In addition, 7 parishes continue to pray in tents in unsuitable conditions, in particular for the activities of supervising children, exposed to strong heat, mosquitoes and the lack of support infrastructure“.
Legal restrictions on the number of churches allowed and the number of faithful necessary to erect a church were also adopted in 2016, so as to hinder the religious freedom of Christians and the development of new churches.