Tag: Discrimination against Christians

The most common form of Christian discrimination in Europe

Exclusion from public discourse is even more widespread than church vandalism.

Over 2,400 anti-Christian hate crimes reported in Europe in 2024

Among these incidents were 232 personal attacks on Christians, including harassment, threats, and physical violence.

Group launched to protect religious students on campuses

Last week, the Religious Freedom Institute announced the launch of the Campus Faith Alliance.

Social worker was denied a job position over his religious views

The tribunal upheld his employer's decision not to reinstate him after he was denied a position due to his views on homosexuality.

Study reveals that more than half of British Christians experience hostility

These concerning statistics align with OIDAC Europe's observations of increasing pressure on Christians.

The silent struggle: discrimination against Christians across Europe

Social discrimination against Christians is a reality in many European societies.

Poor Christian students face economic discrimination in Pakistan

A private school in Peshawar, Pakistan, dismissed impoverished students who could not pay their fees.

The OIDAC Europe report for 2022/2023 has been published

In 2022, OIDAC Europe documented 748 anti-Christian hate crimes in 30 different countries.

A Christian worker was fired for refusing to work during Sunday service

She claims the supermarket chain fired her because she refused demands to work every Sunday morning.

A Christian hybrid school was closed by German authorities

The government has also fined the school 600 euros in administrative fees.