World News

Activists unveil “Pro-Life Flag” uniting global movement against abortion

After more than 1,000 designs were submitted to a worldwide contest, a pro-life grassroots group has selected a flag design to represent the international pro-life movement.


The flag, designed by Brazilian graphic designer Nanda Gasperini, features pink and blue stripes running horizontally across the middle of the flag with pink and blue baby feet surrounded by the loving hands of the baby’s mother enclosed in a circle at the flag’s center. 

As explained on the Pro-Life Flag Project’s website, the white background “symbolizes non-violence in the womb” and the “innocence of the unborn child.”

“The two baby feet represent the humanity of the unborn child,” the website explains. “Baby feet have been a symbol associated with the pro-life movement since the iconic Precious Feet lapel pins were named the international pro-life symbol in 1979.” The two pink hands represent the pregnant mother “holding and protecting her child.”

“The white heart in between the feet symbolizes the pro-life movement’s love for both the mother and her child,” the website added. “The circle shape formed by the hands evoke imagery of a pregnant mother’s stomach, a safe, secure, protected place for a developing child.”

The remaining symbolism on the flag means “different things to different people.” While the pink and blue stripes on the banner “emphasize the TWO distinct human lives in a pregnancy,” they also “form an ‘equals sign,’ stressing that the unborn child is equally and fully human, and therefore deserving of equal human rights.”


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