Europe’s largest Lutheran denomination declares itself as “trans-inclusive”

Hundreds of clergy, staff and congregants of the Church of Sweden, Europe’s largest Lutheran denomination, have declared in an open letter that it is now a trans-inclusive institution.
“We write to you from a church that is also trans,” reads a line from the letter, titled “Personal Letter to You Who are Trans,” posted on a dioceses website and addressed to trans-identifying people who serve and attend the church, Summit News reported.
Signed by around 1,000 priests, deacons and members and published on the official website of the Västerås diocese, the letter also seeks to explain how the church could be described as trans.
“A church is made up of people. People are different. We have confirmees, employees, churchwardens, elected representatives, nonprofits, and other parishioners who define themselves as trans people. The church also consists of trans people,” it says.
The letter criticizes media outlets for being silent as so-called “radical right-wing Christian groups” and “trans-excluding” feminists allegedly conspire to take away the rights and dignity of transgender people, according to RT.