An appeals court reinstated a lawsuit by a photographer on same-sex "weddings"
ADF is providing help to the Christian lady in this case.
Social worker was denied a job position over his religious views
The tribunal upheld his employer's decision not to reinstate him after he was denied a position due to his views on homosexuality.
A $350,000 fine for quoting the Bible on social media
The accused refused to play certain characters because of her religious beliefs.
A Swedish bakery was reported for refusing to bake a cake
Similar cases ocurred also in other places of the world, with various consequences.
Strasbourg court orders Romania to institutionalize same-sex cohabitation
According to a 2018 Pew Research Center survey, 74% of Romanians opposed the introduction of same-sex "marriages."
Evangelical foster agency accused of "discriminatory policy" against homosexuals
The foster agency lost the case.
Boy Scouts lost two million members since lifting ban on gay youth
Some churches quickly cut ties with the BSA after the announcement.
Canadian government extends "pride month" to a whole season
"Pride Season" will last from June to September.
Europe’s largest Lutheran denomination declares itself as "trans-inclusive"
In 2009, the left-leaning Swedish Church voted in favor of blessing same-sex marriages.
Christian group opposes the release of a movie depicting Jesus as a lesbian
Ted Baehr, founder of Movieguide, considers that this new movie "crossed a line that should not be crossed".