World News

Donald Trump urges nations to “stop persecuting people of faith”

In one of his last presidential proclamations before leaving the White House, American President Donald Trump called on Americans to cherish the "fundamental human right of religious freedom" and urged the nations of the world to "stop persecuting people of faith."


Trump contended that faith and religious freedom were “deeply embedded in the heart and soul of our nation” before illustrating the role of religious freedom in U.S. history.

The president proceeded to outline his administration’s record on the issue of religious freedom at home and abroad. He cited his signature of an executive order promoting free speech and religious liberty designed “to ensure that faith-based organisations would not be forced to compromise their religious beliefs as they serve their communities” and his work to protect “healthcare providers rights not to be forced to perform procedures that violate their most deeply-held convictions” as examples of his work on behalf of religious freedom.

He closed his proclamation by urging Americans to celebrate Religious Freedom Day “with events and activities that remind us of our shared heritage of religious liberty and that teach us how to secure this blessing both at home and around the world.”

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