News from Europe

A political party promoting paedophilia has been reactivated in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, there exists a political party whose goals are the legalisation of among others, sexual intercourse with children, child pornography and necrophilia. It is called the Party for Neighbourly Love, Freedom, and Diversity (Partij voor Naastenliefde, Vrijheid en Diversiteit or PNVD).


PNVD was founded in 2006 and banned four years later. In early 2020, the party’s leader announced that “the PNVD is back,” which provoked an outcry throughout the country. A petition that can be signed here, can be found on the internet, which calls for a ban on this dangerous organisation. 

“All people, regardless of their age, including children, have the right to have control over their bodies. This also applies to sexual matters. Anyone may have sexual contact when there is consent,” says the party’s programme. A later paragraph reads: “Private possession of all forms of pornography, including child pornography, should be permitted.”

The PNVD also calls for “sexual contact with animals to become legal again” as well as “legalisation of necrophilia if the deceased has explicitly given his written permission to do so”.


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