News from Europe

A Frenchman will broadcast his own death because he has been refused euthanasia

A terminally ill Frenchman named Alain Cocq announced that he would broadcast his death live on social media, refusing to eat, drink and take medication after President Emmanuel Macron rejected his request for euthanasia.


Alain Cocq, who suffers from a rare disease where arterial walls stick together, estimated that he had no more than a week to live and that he would be broadcasting his death on Facebook from Saturday morning. Earlier, he wrote a letter to President Emmanuel Macron asking him to give him a substance that would allow him to “die in peace”, but in response, it was explained to him that French law did not allow this.

“Since I am not above the law, I am unable to comply with your request,” Macron said in a letter to Cocq, who posted the message on his Facebook page. “I cannot ask anyone to act outside the law (…) You are asking for active help in dying, which is currently not allowed in our country,” stressed the President of France.

Cocq, 57, used his plight to draw attention to the situation of terminally ill patients in France who are not allowed to be euthanised, writes AFP. In an interview with Cocq, he said that “to show France the agony caused by the law in its current state, he will be broadcasting the end of his life on his Facebook page.” He believes he will die in “four to five days.”

He stopped eating and drinking on Friday evening and is not taking any medications.


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