Legalising assisted dying will be 'a huge step backwards'
Christians across the UK have expressed their disappointment after MPs voted in favour of assisted suicide
Most citizens fear being 'coerced into assisted dying' in the UK
A new poll highlighted deep concerns about plans to legalise assisted suicide in Parliament on Friday the 29th of November
Christian group CARE criticises ‘robust safeguards’ of Assisted Dying Bill
'UK assisted suicide bill would unleash a culture of death across British society'
UK faces 'worst ever threat of assisted suicide becoming law'
Christians are called to write to their MPs ahead of a possible vote on the legalisation of assisted suicide.
EU member states can continue to prohibit assissted suicide, says the ECHR
However, the ECHR acknowledged that its position might evolve,
Christians protest against assisted dying at the Isle of Man Parliament
Christians from several denominations staged a protest at the Isle of Man Parliament on Tuesday.
Scottish Church leaders oppose assisted suicide proposal
Church leaders have expressed "very grave concerns" about proposals to assisted suicide legal in Scotland.
Euthanasia cases increase by 15% in Belgium since last year
Euthanasia in Belgium has been growing since it was legalized in 2002, with 2023 showing unparalleled figures
Euthanasia cases rose in the Netherlands in 2022
Assisted suicide cases rose significantly in the Netherlands last year
The normalisation of assissted suicide is speeding up Canada
In 2021, over 10,000 people died through Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD).