World News

Algerian Christians fear new religious discrimination

Religious discrimination has been a growing concern across the years as Algeria has forced church closures throughout the country. At least six of these churches are located in the Tizi Ouzou province, one of which is home to the head of l’Eglise Protestante d’Algerie (EPA).


A list of all teachers and their religious affiliations in the primary, middle, and secondary levels was recently established by Algeria’s Department of Intelligence and Security (DRS). This list was given to the director of education, specifically noting those Christian and atheist teachers in the Tizi Ouzou Province, ICC reported.

The Algerian authorities have made it clear that they view Christianity as a growing problem within the country. Christianity is viewed as a foreign construct, although it has a long history predating Islam.

Church closures have been ongoing as part of the government’s effort to contain Christianity. This latest decision by the authorities further targets Christians, and also increases the pressure felt by the EPA.

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