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In Italy, new book suggests changes to Catholic doctrine on homosexuality

A book published by an employee of the Italian bishops’ conference, which claims to be inspired by Pope Francis' Amoris laetitia, suggests an approach to pastoral care that calls for changes to the church’s doctrine on homosexuality, CNA reports.


The book “Chiesa e Omosessualitá, Un’inchiesta alla luce del magistero di papa Francesco,” (Church and Homosexuality, an investigation under the light of Pope Francis’ Magisterium”) was released in Italy, shortly after the publication in Austria of a book considering how homosexual couples might receive a formal, liturgical blessing of their union in the Catholic Church.

The Italian book was written by Luciano Moia, longtime editor of a monthly insert in the official Catholic newspaper of the Italian bishops’ conference, L’Avvenire.

The book includes a preface from Marco Tarquinio, director of the L’Avvenire and an interview/prologue from Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna.

In the text’s introduction, Tarquinio explains that the book aims to offer testimonies, as a resource for pastoral accompaniment, and “a balanced and constructive contribution to the ongoing debate in the Church, according to the indications that have emerged from the latest synods of bishops and from the words of the pope.”

But in the first chapter, Moia indicates that the intention of the book is to propose a change in Christian anthropology, a step that would call for theological and doctrinal changes away from the Church’s teachings on homosexuality, as delineated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church or the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s statement on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons,  which is not quoted by Moia.

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