World News

Furloughs of around 100,000 prisoners to be extended in Iran

Preparations for another wave of COVID-19 victims appears to be underway in Iran as the Judiciary announces that 100,000 prisoners would have their furloughs extended until at least the 16th of April, International Christian Concern has learned. However, some Christians reported that their jail sentences were cancelled after being released on furlough.


The judiciary had granted a temporary leave to several prisoners in an effort to contain the virus’ spread in prisons, International Christian Concern reported.

However, the Judiciary remains firm in their position regarding security prisoners. During the first wave of prison furloughs, the Judiciary clarified that security prisoners serving more than a five-year sentence would not qualify for temporary release. 

Security prisoners is a coded term used by Iranian officials to describe political prisoners, including prisoners of conscience. Two Christians reported that their jail sentences were cancelled after being released on furlough. However, most Christians serve a jail sentence of at least five years.

Iran: another Christian convert released from prison

See full article here.

Photo is courtesy of Unsplash.

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