World News

The pandemic is a warning for clergymen, says Fr. Nicolas Bux

Father Nicola Bux, one of the most respected theologians in the Catholic Church, established a link between the sins of the Church and the world, and the coronavirus pandemic. In a speech published on YouTube, this outstanding expert in East Christian theology, sacramental theology and liturgy recalled the ancient words of the Book of Genesis, referring to "sins that cry to heaven for vengeance."


“We have forgotten what the temple is for and why it is dedicated to solemn ceremonies. We have committed abuses, desecrations in the sacred liturgy and unbearable deformities, insults and disregards. We have gone so far as to say that God’s grace can coexist with the situation of habitual sin, authorising us to give Holy Communion to unrepentant sinners,” explained the theologian.

Referring to the secular atmosphere prevailing in today’s world, Father Bux noted that the word “punishment” causes a scandal even among the clergymen, because “they forgot that at the beginning of history, after love, came sin, anger and judgment.”

The theologian also regrets the crisis of personal piety of many Catholics. According to the clergyman, “most have not been trained in adoration and focus on personal prayer.” 


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